Please see our official presentation
ZOE – from ancient greek Ζωή - a Live
We produce ZOE probiotic concentrates for the health and wellness of our loved ones.
ZOE — universal probiotic food concentrates of deep processing (fermentation) on a completely plant basis produced in Russia.
Also we ProBioDucts LTD have
- ZOE Agro Farm — prebiotic, probiotic and postbiotic nutritional supplement for animals
- ZOE Agro Flora: organic fertilizer — superconcentrate

Probioducts presentations and documentations:
- Proven efficacy of probiotic bacteria and their byproducts for the rehabilitation after COVID-19 — ZOE Russia in rehabilitation after COVID-19
- ZOE probiotic food concentrates — ZOE presentation eng ver 1.0.aEN
- ZOE Agro Farm and Flora presentation EN ZOE Agro eng ver 1.0.bEN — prebiotic, probiotic and postbiotic nutritional supplement for animals and organic fertilizer — superconcentrate
- Russian Declaration for products — ЕАЭС N RU Д-RU.ПХ01.В.14723
ZOE affects:

ZOE - Proven Benefits of Multiple Ingredients in One Product
The benefits of fermentation products, fermented milk products, probiotics, prebiotics and polyphenols, metabiotics, antioxidants, digestive enzymes, minerals, vitamins in one balanced biological probiotic concentrate ZOE based on plant raw materials of deep processing (fermentation).

High efficiency 7 in 1
- Active Probiotics
- Prebiotics (betaglucans, dietary fiber, polyphenols)
- Postbiotics (metabiotics)
- Natural sorbents and detoxifying agents
- Digestive Enzymes
- Bioavailable Minerals
- Antioxidants and bactericides
ZOE is a unique, effective and affordable product
No other product has such a wide range of positively acting components and properties
- Heals the microbiota;
- Improves the gastrointestinal tract;
- Actively aids in digestion;
- Enriches food with essential nutrients;
- Comprehensively improves the work and well-being of the whole organism.

Benefits of Fermented Foods from Common Meals
- Fortified with nutrients;
- Minerals;
- Amino acids;
- Dietary fiber;
- Beneficial bacteria;
- Vitamins.
+ Help assimilation and digestion
+ Benefits of microbiota
The usage of ZOE and probiotic food
- Normalizes Digestion
Without constipation and heaviness - Stimulates Microbiota and
Suppresses harmful flora - Increases the digestibility of food and its nutritional value for the body
- Enriches with Essential Nutrients Supplements food with natural nutrients

ZOE is involved in the digestion of food and improves its properties
Probiotic food with ZOE affects the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract, and the food itself is easily digestible and has a high nutritional value.
ZOE is Food Probiotic Concentrates
- One teaspoon is enough;
- Useful for all ages from birth;
- Combines with and complements diets, including vegan and raw food diets;
- Combines with courses of treatment and medication (oncology, gastritis, diabetes, etc.).

Benefits of Fermented Foods from Common Meals ZOE
- Deeply processed plant materials without gluten and GMOs;
- Completely natural and safe;
- Can be added to food and drinks or
- Use as an effective starter / fermentation starter.
Our mission is to affordably improve the quality of life with effective organic products
- Affordable cost per serving;
- Suitable for regular use;
- ZOE is not a medicine or dietary supplement, it is safe (overdose is excluded - excess is absorbed like regular food);
- It’s simple to take out!
Competencies, Technologies and capabilities of PROBIODUTS
- Research team of cell biologists from the current employees of the Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
- Application for an international patent, including as a feed additive in the field of animal husbandry: "Probiotic composition based on plant raw materials and a method for its production";
- Production in the Leningrad region of the Russian Federation;
- Products that have no analogues on the market in a World;
- Competitive advantage - know-how of production and algorithms of impact on the human and animal organism.

With ZOE We will help many people in need by improving their quality of life
- Gastrointestinal problems — constipation, diarrhea;
- Microbiota disorders and dysbiosis;
- Weight and metabolic problems;
- Pregnant women;
- Children during the growth period;
- Low Hemoglobin;
- Diabetes and high sugar;
- Gastritis / peptic ulcer disease;
- Strengthening the immune system;
- Neurology and Autism;
- Chronic fatigue;
- Healthy people;
- In case of poisoning;
- During the course of treatment of oncological diseases;
- Heartburn and acidity;
- Poor digestibility of food;
- Aged people ;
- Skin problems;
- Postcoid syndrome;
- Vegan / Raw Foodists;
- Liver problems;
- Athletes;
- COVID rehabilitation;
- Fermentation.
Contact us
We have a good unique experience in medical applications and microbiology, technology and know-how, production processes.
We are open for cooperation in the following areas:
- supplying our products to you
- development of specialized products for your needs
- licensing the production of probiotic products
- Supply of ingredients for production
- Research and Consulting
You are welcome for сontact us via email:
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edited on 11.08.2021